A 5-minute 5-product cruelty-free makeup routine


A 5 minute face using only 5 cruelty-free and vegan products for when you are already running 5 minutes late.

As much as I love makeup, I also understand that a concise routine can be more appealing. Maybe you’re having a casual laid back day and a full face of makeup just isn’t practical. Maybe you just don’t love wearing a lot of makeup. Maybe you’re a new mom and taking even a few minutes on makeup is a luxury right now. Or maybe, like me, you’re running late (I am constantly in a state of “should have left the house 5 minutes ago”). 

No matter the reason, this one’s for you. Here is my 5 minute face using only 5 cruelty-free and vegan products. It’s definitely a minimal look, but still impactful. In just a few minutes, it’ll leave you looking a bit more fresh and polished. And you won’t miss your proverbial bus.


  1. Depending on how clear your skin is and how concerned you are with covering blemishes, you can try any of these techniques for your concealer:

    1. Add a bit of concealer to your moisturizer to create a tinted moisturizer and smooth over whole face

    2. Use the concealer after you’ve moisturized, just on dark circles and any blemishes

    3. Do both of the above - use it as a tinted moisturizer and add more to your blemishes and dark circles

  2. Powder to set your concealer (particularly under the eye so your mascara won’t transfer) and any spots where you tend to get oily.

  3. Dot some cheek+lip tint onto your cheeks. Blend with your fingers. (General blush hint: Focus the colour on the upper, outer part of your face, along your cheekbones, and blend towards the temples to visually lift your face. Putting blush right on the apples of your cheeks runs the risk of pulling your face down visually, especially if your face isn’t as full and youthful as it once was).

  4. Curly your lashes and apply mascara to top lashes, and I also like bottom, especially on the outer corners. (Eyelash tip: Heat your curler with a hair dryer. Not too hot - don’t scorch your eyelids!)

  5. Comb the eyebrow gel through your eyebrows

  6. Dab on some of the cheek+lip tint to your lips. Blend with a finger.

That’s it! I was able to do all of that in 5 minutes. Of course, you can finish by setting with a setting spray if you’d like. 

Below, I’ve listed the products I used and some alternatives. The great thing is since it’s only 5 products, you can totally feel free to splug on the best quality vegan and cruelty-free beauty products your budget allows, and it still won’t be all that expensive.



Keep in mind, this routine is customized to my needs and complexion. Perhaps you don’t need or like concealer, but your eyebrows absolutely need something more intense than just a little brow mascara to show up. Maybe you’re a dewy queen and don’t want to set with powder, but you have to have some highlighter. That’s totally okay--you can adapt to whatever works for you. 



Let me know what you think! Is a 5-minute 5-product face something you’re into? As always, if you have any questions or thoughts, know that you can hit me up on Instagram. I always love hearing from you!




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